Director's message

Home - Director's message

Dear visitors,

We are very happy to welcome you to the PPDU website, which we hope will be your site, a responsive site, the site of the populations of our West African sub-region, the site of the builders, the site of the workers in the transport, energy, telecommunications and water sectors.

We would very much like the site to be that of the private sector in general and that of the private sector of our region in particular for the development of public-private partnership.  We want and wish that the financial and technical partners appropriate this site to take note of the master plan of our sub-region adopted by the heads of state and government in December 2021.

In short, apart from informing you about what we are doing, the project studies that have been carried out, the project studies that are underway, the important projects for the sub-region in terms of transport, energy, telecommunication and water, the site, with its responsive layout, will allow you to navigate easily and functionally.

Keep in touch with us: by regularly browsing our site, your site, and discover our unity, your unity in impacting the lives of our people and promoting regional integration.

We wish you a pleasant surfing!


ECOWAS Project Preparation and Development Unit

The ECOWAS Infrastructure Project Preparation and Development Unit (PPDU) was established by Regulation C/REG.5/08/11 of August 2011. It was definitively established in Lomé, Togo in October 2014 following a Headquarters Agreement signed on 10 September 2010 between the ECOWAS Commission and the Togolese Authorities.

The PPDU is a specialised ECOWAS agency in charge of the preparation and development of regional infrastructure projects (transport, energy, water and information and communication technologies). Its mission is, among others, to make regional infrastructure projects bankable through the elaboration of feasibility studies (economic, financial, social, environmental, etc.), to mobilise resources for the financing of projects, to strengthen the capacities of national counterpart structures, to promote public-private partnerships, etc.

The priority programmes and projects on which the PPDU is focusing its efforts are the regional infrastructure master plan which will guide the development of transport, energy, ICT and water resources projects for the benefit of the populations within the framework of the implementation of the ECOWAS Vision: that of moving from an ECOWAS of States to an "ECOWAS of Peoples: Peace and Prosperity for All" by 2050.

The PPDU works under the responsibility of the Commissioner for Infrastructure and its main objective is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of ECOWAS infrastructure projects in order to foster economic growth and integration in West Africa.



Director of the PPDU


Dr CAPO-CHICHI Eugène is a graduate engineer from the Ecole des Mines d'Alès (France) and has a PhD in civil engineering from the University of Montpellier II (France). Following a rich career in the public works, transport, energy, mining and hydraulics sector in Benin, where he served in the senior civil service, he joined ECOWAS in 2009 as the person in charge of domain and transport management at the Community's Parliament. He continued his career in the Infrastructure Department of the ECOWAS Commission where he successively held the positions of Infrastructure Programme Officer, then Acting Principal Programme Officer for Air Transport before being appointed following a recruitment process as Director of PPDU.
