The Steering Committee is the strategic guidance and decision-making body of the SDFP.
It is composed of nine (09) members representing the stakeholders of the PPDU. Its composition is as follows:
- two (02) Representatives of the ECOWAS Commission;
- One (01) Representative of the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID);
- two (02) members representing ECOWAS Member States;
- three (03) members representing the Technical and Financial Partners;
- one (01) member representing the Private Sector.
The Chairperson of the Steering Committee shall be one of the Representatives of the ECOWAS Commission. The Vice-Chairperson is elected by his or her peers.
The members of the Steering Committee are persons recognised for their technical and managerial skills. The Director of the PPDU attends the Steering Committee sessions without voting rights.